The `on call` clause in an employment contract is a provision that requires an employee to be available for work outside of normal working hours. This clause is typically included in contracts for jobs that require employees to be available to work on an as-needed or emergency basis.

The on-call clause can be beneficial for both employers and employees. Employers can ensure that they have someone available to handle emergencies or other urgent matters, while employees have the potential to earn additional income through on-call pay or overtime.

However, there are certain legal considerations that employers and employees should be aware of when it comes to on-call clauses. For example, employers should ensure that they are complying with minimum wage and overtime laws when compensating employees for on-call work. Additionally, they should clearly define what qualifies as `on call` time and how much notice employees will receive before being asked to work.

Employees should also be aware of their rights under labor laws and their employer`s policies when it comes to on-call work. This includes understanding how on-call pay and overtime are calculated, and whether they are entitled to compensation for being on call even if they are not ultimately called upon to work.

It is important for both employers and employees to carefully review and negotiate the terms of an on-call clause before signing an employment contract. This will help to ensure that everyone understands their rights and responsibilities, and that the clause is fair and reasonable for all parties involved.

In conclusion, the on-call clause is a common provision in employment contracts that can provide benefits for both employers and employees. However, it is important to carefully consider and negotiate the terms of this clause to ensure that it is fair and legally compliant for all parties involved.